Believe it or not; not all real estate salespeople are REALTORS. REALTOR is a registered trademark which is often, erroneously used to refer to the whole industry much like Kleenex is used to define tissue. Simply put, a REALTOR belongs to the National Association of REALTORS.
In belonging to said group, we subscribe to and live by the REALTOR Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is strictly enforced and contains 17 Articles and various underlying Standards of Practice. The Standards are much more restrictive and confining as to conduct than those governing agents who simply hold a real estate license.
In this multi-part series, I will explain the 17 articles and what they mean in layman's terms. I won't be able to hit every single standard without putting you to sleep- so it is recommended that you follow the link to check out the code yourself:
#1- Pledge to put the interests of buyers and sellers ahead of their own and to treat all parties honestly and fairly.
- There are many times in my line of work where it is in MY and my family's best interest that a property under contract closes and I get paid. In fact, that is probably always the case. However, I act on behalf of the best interest of my client. This is of particular interest in working with buyers...I cannot tell you how many 'deals' I've had go south (fall apart) because my recommended home inspector found problems/issues that were beyond what an initial showing or two found. Too bad for me. My duty is to make certain that the home you purchase is one that you're going to be happy in for as long as you want to be.
- It goes beyond this too- if I'm attempting to procure a listing, I cannot and will not deliberately mislead you into believing your home is worth a certain price just to get my sign in your yard.
- I won't reveal confidential information. If you have to hit a bottom line, I'd never let on to a buyer of your house or his/her agent unless you wanted me to. Vice versa, if I knew you'd pay a certain amount for a home- but offered less- I wouldn't give away that you're testing out a seller. Basically anything that puts you at a disadvantage- not coming from me.
- If and when you list with me you'll know the cooperating commission paid (portion of the listing commission that is paid to potential buyer's agent) and be aware of any possibility of dual agency (which you'll have to agree to prior to my showing your house).
In the coming days, I'll knock out the remaining 16 articles in the REALTOR Code of Ethics.
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