Tuesday, September 16, 2008

REALTOR Code of Ethics (part four)

This is part four in a four part series on the REALTOR Code of Ethics. As always, to keep you from falling asleep, it's just a tip-of-the-iceberg deal. Go HERE to check out the full code.

#13) Shall not practice law unless they are a lawyer.
  • Should be enough said. If I had a law degree, I probably wouldn't be a REALTOR, haha.

#14) Shall cooperate if charges are brought against them and present all evidence requested.

  • If charged with an unethical practice, we merely must display the facts and prove innocence---or guilt, as I suppose could be the case.

#15) Agree not to bad mouth competition and agree not to file unfounded ethics complaints.

  • I won't say much anything about a competing agent. I think there are very few in my region that could actually compete and do the job as well as I can- and those that could...why would I have anything negative to say about them?
  • In all seriousness- there's no reason for this talk. It's like dirty politics and not my game. I'll let you know what I will do for you and nothing beyond that really matters to me.

#16) Shall not solicit another REALTOR'S client nor interfere in a contractual relationship.

  • Any agent that attempts to sway another to use him or her while under contract with another basically falls into this. If you read my blog while your house is listed with another agent- I'm not trying to steal you. The same if I send you a general piece of mail or run into you up-town and mention my services (IF I don't know you're under contract).
  • Now if you're under contract and you come to me, we may discuss the terms upon which we might enter into a future agreement or, alternatively, may enter into an agreement which becomes effective upon expiration of any existing exclusive agreement. I cannot and will not tell you "how you can get out of your current listing." It's in your contract and should be discussed with your current agent/brokerage.
  • The fact that one agent sold you a home does not preclude any agents from soliciting you for your future business.
  • As a buyer's agent on unlisted property, we must disclose that relationship to the seller and make any request for anticipated commission at first contact.

#17) Shall submit to arbitration to settle matters and not seek legal remedies in the judicial system.

  • Instead of taking it to the courts, we settle disputes "in house" through our board of REALTORS...a nice break on taxpayers money, I'm certain.

I hope this four part series was able to educate you on the REALTOR Code of Ethics and what separates us (REALTORS) from regular old sales agents. If you have any questions that I can clarify- don't hesitate to ask me!

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